More modern, more civilized with camera gear 360 which can capture images around 360 dirhams credits and manufactured by Samsung!

The camera created specifically to make it easy for users who enjoy photography and love sharing pictures they shoot, is 360 dirhams Craig looks attractive, especially if they look at other devices Gear VR to the table.

Camera Gear 360 can store memory of up to 128GB, it will not only be able to photograph only, it can record video feature 360 ​​dirhams credits as well, and we also know that the video features 360 dirhams credits such popular even announced smartphone lineup S yesterday also broadcast live on the smartphone and can be viewed as a characteristic 360-Duc credits as well.

Thunder said the camera can record images at 3840 x 1920 pixels through the fisheye camera, two on each side, and you can also use 180 The Greeks also. Light weight of the camera only 153 grams, can add bases Tri Pod easier to shoot.

The camera will be available in the 2nd quarter of this year, according to some countries, so we do not know the value of it yet.


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