Crack down on fake iPhone manufacturing plant in China's largest

Phone makers in Beijing have been police repression and closed after the discovery that produced several fake phone iPhone units To go out of the country. According to the Beijing police announced last Saturday.

Police said this is a case of cross-border trafficking in their biggest crackdown in recent years Finally. The company produces fake mobile telephone iPhone 4 thousand units since January 2015, which is worth about 120 million yuan (19.6 million US dollars ).

Since 2011, the company was not named buy old cell phones from the outside and took creative using additional parts such as tires phones and other company's logo will sell abroad.

Police began investigating the company in May, after a lot of fake mobile phones from China has been cracking down in the United States.

During this crackdown, police seized 1,400 fake mobile phones in production and parts found most cell phones one million units in the company's factory. 9 suspects were arrested in this case.


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