Chris Capossela said that Windows 7 has a lot of problems and shortages, so should use Windows 10

While Microsoft has released Windows 10, which is already the last generation, has ever claimed that computer use it an estimated 200 million units. Meanwhile, users of Windows 7 is still pretty much as Microsoft's marketing director said that should use Windows 10.

He cited such reasons that Windows 10, it runs well and smoothly than Windows 7 up to 55% Not only that, Windows 7 has a lot of problems and mistakes as well. While it has been used for many years and who consider it as a product that outdated, so it can not function smoothly with the new software, which recently issued, and the current problems attacks via the Internet more available to grow up there. Games like that are popular Fallout 4, so it has just been produced that can run smoothly with Windows 10. Another point is that they changed the old Internet Explorer into Microsoft Edge, which has the ability to work well and effectively than before. Windows 7's security system too old for that it continue to make edits, it still may not work well with Windows 10. According to the revealed will stop security updates for Windows 7 in 2020, and towards an end to the use of Windows 7 once, while Vista and Windows 8 can be used.

The company wanted to stop the use of Windows 7, this time by pushing for change to use its next-generation Windows. Did not know that fact, there are some other issues for Windows 7, but before doing so.


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